
MYRTUS myrtle syrup (for weakened immunity) 100 ml Mon Grasse


(€129.00 kg)

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An extraordinary syrup made from the resin, leaves and flowers of Arabian myrtle is one of the natural sources of guggulsterones Z and E.

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The syrup is a native, unmodified formula of the complete biological complex of myrtle, does not contain artificial, medicinal, genetically modified substances, hormones, preservatives, and is not addictive.

The biological complex of resin, leaves, and flowers of myrtle contains diterpenes, sterols, and fatty acids in a unique form characteristic only of myrtle. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying, antioxidant, vasoprotective, rejuvenating, and tonic properties.

Native myrtle syrup is recommended:

for decreased resistance of the body, chronic infectious and inflammatory processes;
for a weakened body after surgery;
for disorders of the digestive system, internal bleeding, ulcerative processes;
for purulent processes;
for carbohydrate metabolism disorders to prevent vascular changes, wounds, and infections;
for hair loss, impaired skin turgor;
for age-related changes to prevent unfavorable processes against the background of decreased hormonal status;
for disorders of the genitourinary system, infectious, inflammatory, invasive processes;
for autoimmune disorders, changes of unknown etiology;
for psoriatic disorders;
after infectious diseases, surgery to restore and regulate metabolic and endocrine processes;
for the prevention of changes in the thyroid gland hypo- and hyperforms.

Composition: leaves, flowers, myrtle resin, water, yacon root.

Directions for use: take 1 measuring spoon 3 times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. Course - 30 days.
Native syrup can be used for different age categories.

An individual reaction to the biologically active substances of myrtle is possible.

Myrtle guggulsterones have a proven fat-burning effect. The native formula of guggulsterones promotes the breakdown of subcutaneous lipids into simple fatty acids.
The biogenic complex of guggulsterones in the syrup has a proven positive effect on metabolic processes. Clinical testing of the syrup showed a decrease in glucose levels in people with hyperglycemia, activation of the synthesis of ghrelin and leptin - biological substances in the body that control appetite and lipid synthesis, a significant decrease in the level of triglycerides in the blood.

Native myrtle syrup is recommended for hereditary predisposition to obesity, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, and nutritional imbalance.
A course of myrtle throughout the year helps prevent changes in the immune, nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal systems, and skin caused by age, stress, climate, and endogenous adverse factors. Native syrup does not contain sucrose derivatives, glucose, monosaccharides, fast carbohydrates, does not affect the blood composition, blood sugar levels, can be used for all types of insulin resistance, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, insulin deficiency, hyperglycemia types 1 and 2.

Storage conditions: store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C in places away from direct sunlight. After opening, store tightly closed with a lid in a dark, cool place for no more than 1 year.

Nutritional value, g / 100 g:

proteins - 0.1;

fat - 0.1;

carbohydrates - 1.0;

organic acids - 5.3.

Energy value per 100 g:
26.8 kcal / 112.2 kJ.

“Sashera-Med” is a Russian innovative production of unique products based on highly effective natural raw materials: Altai deer antlers, beaver stream, stone oil, mumiyo, medicinal plants.
The main direction is the development of health products of natural plant origin.
All of the company's products are made exclusively from natural ingredients without the use of synthetic chemicals. Raw materials for the manufacture of products and the products themselves are carefully monitored for quality and safety.

The geographical location - on the border with the Altai Mountains - allows the use of the rich natural resources of the flora and fauna of the Altai Mountains as a raw material base. Each product with the Sashera-Med® logo becomes a new discovery in the field of health nutrition and cosmeceuticals. The collection of natural raw materials is carried out manually by specialists - geologists, biologists, who, at the site of raw material procurement, using special equipment, determine its authenticity, while preventing the ingress of foreign impurities.

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