
ECHINACEA syrup echinacea (prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and flu) 100 ml Mon Grasse


(€90.00 kg)

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An extraordinary syrup based on a native extract of flowers and leaves of purple echinacea, enriched with echinacea leaf juice.

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The native formula of Echinacea syrup is an unmodified natural complex of the complete biological composition of the plant, does not contain sugar, artificial, genetically modified, medicinal substances, hormones and preservatives, is not addictive, does not stimulate immune reactions.

A special patented formula of the technology for extracting exclusive biologically active components of Echinacea excludes components that stimulate immune reactions.
The syrup can be used for autoimmune changes.
Syrup with unique glycoside echinacoside and polysaccharide echinaceide, characteristic exclusively of Echinacea, in combination with essential oils, flavonoids, betaine contained in Echinacea, is recommended:

with a decrease in immune functions - has a modeling and regulating effect on immune cells;
for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, viral, invasive, bacterial processes, influenza, hepatitis;
in chronic inflammatory processes of the ENT organs, digestive organs, genitourinary system;
to activate regeneration in purulent infections, wounds, burns, various injuries to internal and external tissues;
in childhood in chronic infectious, bacterial processes;
to prevent the activation of Candida, exceeding the permissible maximum concentrations with a decrease in the body's resistance;
with a decrease in the body's resistance as a result of stress factors, endogenous and exogenous factors;
with herpes virus infection;
with dermatitis;
with seasonal and year-round allergic reactions, for the prevention of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis.

Ingredients: water, echinacea leaves and flowers, echinacea leaf juice, yacon root.

Directions: 1 measuring spoon 3 times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

Course - 30 days.
The biological complex of echinacea is a 100% organic complex. It can be used in different age categories, including children from 3 years old.
The echinacea complex has a pronounced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect, increases the adaptogenic functions of the body.
The course use of the organic complex of echinacea provides adequate immune responses to viral and bacterial epidemics.
The biogenic complex of echinacea has synergy with the biologically active substances of ginseng, lemongrass, cinquefoil, black cohosh, vitex, burdock, provides a more pronounced effect when used together with vasoprotectors - larch, clover, venoprotectors - chestnut, regulators of functions and condition of the cardiovascular system - hawthorn, gastrointestinal protectors - rose hips.
Clinical testing of the syrup in the prevention of chronic infectious, bacterial processes in a group of adults from 18 to 65 years old and in a group of children from 3 to 12 years old with a history of chronic inflammatory processes of various origins showed an average increase in the body's resistance in adults by 45%, in children - by 62%.
The syrup does not contain artificial, genetically modified, medicinal substances, hormones, is not addictive, and is completely absorbed.

Storage conditions: store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in places away from direct sunlight.
After opening, store the product tightly closed with a lid in a dark, cool place.

Nutritional value, g / 100 g:

proteins - 1.4;

fats - 0;

carbohydrates - 2.5;

organic acids – 6.7

Energy value per 100 g:
38.4 kcal/160.74 kJ.

“Sashera-Med” is a Russian innovative production of unique products based on highly effective natural raw materials: Altai deer antlers, beaver stream, stone oil, mumiyo, medicinal plants.
The main direction is the development of health products of natural plant origin.
All of the company's products are made exclusively from natural ingredients without the use of synthetic chemicals. Raw materials for the manufacture of products and the products themselves are carefully monitored for quality and safety.

The geographical location - on the border with the Altai Mountains - allows the use of the rich natural resources of the flora and fauna of the Altai Mountains as a raw material base. Each product with the Sashera-Med® logo becomes a new discovery in the field of health nutrition and cosmeceuticals. The collection of natural raw materials is carried out manually by specialists - geologists, biologists, who, at the site of raw material procurement, using special equipment, determine its authenticity, while preventing the ingress of foreign impurities.