
Biofabrika Ivan-tea green leaves, 50 g


(€85.80 kg)

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Product: tea drink Ivan-tea green leaf.

pack 50 g.

Ingredients: willow-herb leaves (fireweed, Epilobium angustifolium L.).

Storage conditions: store in a cool, dry place away from strong-smelling substances, at a relative air humidity of not more than 75%.

Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Green Ivan-tea is a gentle drying tea without fermentation. When brewed, it gives a rich herbal infusion, retaining all the benefits of Nature!

For the production of our Ivan tea, we carefully collect the best leaves of angustifolium fireweed in one of the most environmentally friendly areas of the Novgorod region.

Good tea!

Produced in Russia (Emelyanov bio factory)

Unique tea from the Emelyanov biofactory

The full-cycle factory is located far from big cities, in the village of Emelyanovskoye, Novgorod Region, where Ivanov tea has been prepared for a long time and ancient recipes have been carefully kept.

The factory is equipped with the latest equipment, but the collection of fireweed, medicinal herbs and berries is carried out manually in ecologically favorable areas between Veliky Novgorod and Cherepovets, at the most favorable time for each plant. Raw materials undergo strict quality control. During fermentation, modern technologies are used and ancient recommendations are taken into account.

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